Advanced Screenwriting – Character Edition

Oh hey - here's a surprise ending for you. How's that for a third act?

Illustration by Mark Fearing

Advanced Screenwriting – Character Edition

WHEN: Thursdays, 6:00 – 8:30 pm PST, January 16 – March 6
WHERE: On Zoom

COST: $600

In this 8-week class you’ll get in-depth instruction on something I feel very passionate about: closing the gap between the screenplay and the finished film.

As screenwriters you will learn to employ the skills of other filmmaking disciplines in order to bring more immediacy to your pages. You’ll write like a director directs, a DP shoots, an editor edits. The goal is to create a more complete cinematic experience so that when readers finish your script they will feel they have “seen” the movie or series pilot.

Visually-driven. Immersive. Visceral. These are terms you will hear a lot.

Additionally, this session of class will devote extra time and emphasis on the creation of characters from the inside out and outside in – along with my continued proselytizing about character revelation and the importance of an anchored POV.

And, of course, you’ll also get my notes and feedback on your work each week.

This is not a beginning screenwriting class. You will get the most out of it if you come with a script idea you’re ready to write or an existing draft that you want to rewrite.

Enrollment is limited to 8 writers and sign-up is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

This class is currently full. Contact me to be added to the waiting list if you have any questions.