Critiques and Coaching


Yes, I can read and critique your script. My feedback includes notes and a follow-up discussion on Zoom or by phone.

Feature-length –
(90-120 pages or more)
1-Hour Series Pilot –
(@60 pages)
Half-hour Series Pilot –
(@30 pages)
Short –
(add $2 per page over 15)


As a veteran screenwriter, I know what it takes to get a script done, and I can help you do the same.

In my coaching sessions on Skype or Zoom, we can design a roadmap with milestones within a workable time frame that will keep you accountable and focused so that steady progress is made toward your destination – a finished script.

Sessions can also be devoted to specific creative topics such as character, plot, structure, and writing more visually, and issues like procrastination, blocks, fear, and increasing productivity.

Coaching sessions – per hour $75